Introducing Harbeth Speakers


Harbeth Speakers now on Demo. Over forty years ago Harbeth set out to commercialize the BBC Loudspeaker research and design. It was great start, however, just the beginning. Come down and have a listen to a modern take to a classic design.

Beautiful Sound at home

Crafted by one designer to convey the recording not to reinterpret it, there is consistent musicality right across the Harbeth loudspeaker range. The selection of the optimum Harbeth for your system is just a matter of size, power handling, and budget, as all excel at believable, natural, realistic and engaging sound.

The fantastic tonality, the selection and use of the finest materials throughout and sourced from the best suppliers around the world all combine to a lifetime of listening satisfaction and pride of ownership. Customers regularly comment that their Harbeths are the best investment money can make.

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